Bright Teachers

Teaching, educationand education aides blog

Time management is essential for teachers

Despite what people may think teachers do have a lot of work they need to fit in, not only during the school opening hours but also afterwards and weekends. It is vital that you have good time management skills otherwise you will struggle to fit everything in and may find that the job becomes extremely stressful. Planning is very important; you need to know what you have get done within the term and how this should be split throughout the weeks and days. You may also have to plan in time for presenting an assembly to the other classes, report writing, parents evening and possibly helping with afterschool classes. As a rule, most teachers will do their marketing in the evening and at weekends. Although they are given PPA (planning,... Read More »

Is supply teaching a good option?

Many teachers at some point consider supply teaching. This may be when they first qualify, as they approach retirement age or just when their personal circumstances have changed and they need to have more flexibility. Supply teaching can be very rewarding and if you are unsure as to whether you want a full time job as a teacher then it’s a good way to explore the industry without having to commit to a permanent post. If you are already employed in a permanent position by a school then you will usually have to give at least one terms notice before leaving, if you are a supply teacher you can literally pick and choose which days you work. As a supply teacher, you will usually be paid a higher salary per... Read More »

Teacher time management

As a teacher, managing your time effectively is crucial to allow you to do everything you need to. There is so much work to do even after the class has gone home, that if you do not find ways to manage your time you will often be working late in to the night and every weekend. Not only managing your time in your job, but also making sure that you have time for yourself. It is easy to forget about your home life and spend all your days working but this can lead to high stress levels and overworking can make you become ill. All teachers are now given something called PPA time which is supposed to be the time in the classroom without the children, where they can mark... Read More »

Getting ready for the summer break

Many teachers are now on the wide down to summer holidays and looking forward to the 6 week break. This last week or so in school can be quite hard work as not only are the children often worn out and ready for a break but there is usually a lot of disruption. You may have sports days, taster lessons in their new classes, team treats and end of year assemblies to fit in on top of your normal lessons and marking. You will also have to start to think about the new class that you will be teaching and start to make changes to the classroom in readiness for September. Many schools have a PD day just after the children officially break up to give them time to start... Read More »

Helping children learn how to read

Reading is a vital skill that everyone should have the opportunity to learn. Now a day’s all children who attend an education setting are taught to read right from nursery or reception.  If your child attends a nursery or child minder, then they should start by learning the basics of reading often by helping them to recognise certain letters and the sounds they make. This is sometimes done using a scheme called “jolly phonics” which is a fun song all about letters and the sounds they make. This song makes it easy for children to remember the different letters of the alphabet. When your child starts school they will very quickly progress to starting to be able to put these sounds together to read words. Usually the first types of... Read More »