Bright Teachers

Teaching, educationand education aides blog

Using technology as a link for parents and schools


More and more schools are introducing online based systems to track and report on the pupil’s progress. In reception, for example, children are required to show that they can confidently carry out such tasks in accordance with the EYFS (early year’s foundation stages). Teachers often use a system online that they can upload evidence of children completing such tasks, such as photos taken or project they have made. This is not only a great way to record information to show to Ofsted etc, but also allows the parents of that child to log in and view recent topics they have been doing and see their child’s work from that day or week.

The systems often also allow you to upload images and comments to a topic or even create a new one to share back with the teacher. This allows the teacher to be able to chat to the child about things that they have been doing outside of school too.

If your school doesn’t currently use a system like this, why not suggest it in the next meeting you have to see if it is something they may consider implementing.